Wednesday, June 17, 2009



I want to share my life in my hometown-Sarawak with you!!

This is my house.This is taken below my house~yes,i live on the tree top.Don’t play play,actually this tree is just a camouflage.In the center of the trunk is an elevator.Everyday, we go up and down the tree using the elevator.Each family live in one tree. The bigger trees are the condominium or the apartment. Our tree house is fully air-conditioned, with flat screen TV, DVD and great sound system…oh, not to forget the satellites and ASTRO which are so well hidden.So we can enjoy programs like Fear Factor while we are eating row meats.

Our main transportation is BUAYAK ( crocodiles). I tell you ar…Sarawak buayak sipeh duo…( too many) .and they swim sipeh fast as well….maybe faster than your speedboat.They are like the taxi…always waiting for you along the riverbank.Students can enjoy student fare…so i spend 40 cent to school everyday.

Mail??Pos Laju???postman??nah…no need la….don’t worry la…we got these~

NEVER look down on these babies~they fly 200KM per hour…MUCH FASTER than postman~
And more importantly…they work 7 days per week..hehe..and their pays?? emm….bananas??you think they are monkeys ar??

During Christmas or Kuey ni (Chinese New Year), going visiting is never a problem because our brilliant ancestor invented these in every forests…
this is what we call "hang bridge" !!These are extremely safe as we have monkeys as our guards and they do regular maintenance for it.Now everyone can walk from tree to tree!!

This blog is dedicated to those people who think Sarawakian live on trees!!never study Geography??Even people from other countries know about Sarawak…and yet some people from east Malaysian actually thought that we live one trees??and don’t have cloth to wear on???
Let me show you our beautiful Kuching city,Sarawak.

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